Hi friends! Guess what? I have a guest blogger today. It’s my awesome almost-twelve-year-old daughter, Gabrielle!
She received a review copy of the book and has had lots of fun reading it and reviewing it for you.

The Girl’s Guide to Your Dream Room by Sherry Kyle
With its stories, crafts, quizzes, and more, The Girl’s Guide to your Dream Room will tell you how to completely “fabulize” your room (I made up that word). It will encourage you to feel good about yourself and the space around you.
The stories in each chapter have a theme. Whether its cleaning, sharing, or enjoying your room more, they each bring you one step closer to a better room, and a better, more “fabutastic” you. ( I made up that word too.)
I especially enjoyed the crafts. They’re fun, easy, and bring out a creative part in me that I never knew before. When looking for a way to glam up my room, I’ll be checking out this books’ artsy activities like the flower sun catchers, fun decorative mirrors, bed canopies, and more.
The quizzes are some of my favorite things about The Girl’s Guide to Your Dream Room. The author asks questions like, “What’s your style?” and “What’s your bedroom style?” These are fun because they helped me understand whether I was chic and classy, natural and sporty, or even eclectic and funky. I think I’m eclectic and funky.
I also enjoyed the spiritual value of the book with its prayers, Bible verses, and letters to God. It helped me understand that God loves me and wants my room to be a place of peace. The author also challenged me to be humble and think of others first, to shine His light to my friends, and that being organized and respecting the space He gave me glorifies Him.
So with this book to help me, I can glorify God in a “fabulizing” way. (Yeah, I made up that word too!)
I highly recommend this book and hope you check it out!
About the Author
About Sherry
I have always enjoyed being creative. As a child I used to sing silly songs, draw cartoon characters, and make school projects from scratch.
I also loved to read and use my imagination. In the fourth grade I won an award for my true-life story Friends Can Be So Mean, as well as awards for interpretive reading.
Growing up I thought I’d be a special education teacher, but instead God called me to Biola University, where I met my surfer husband, Doug, and earned my B.A. in Speech Pathology and a minor in Bible.
When my four children were small, I would take them to the local library and check out at least a dozen books at a time. We would snuggle on the couch together and I would read to them, using my best interpretive voice. My love for books and being creative sparked something inside. I wanted to be an author.