The Bible says to rejoice in all things. All things? Really? Even the yucky stuff that comes with being a mommy? I know the Bible says I’m supposed to, but it’s hard, don’t you think?
Usually, when that tinge of conviction comes that perhaps this is an opportunity to rejoice (instead of complain, whine, or fret), my first technique is to force it. Put on a pretend smile. Tell myself this is all for the best. Hunker down. Use self control. “I vill rejoice. I vill rejoice.” *said with German accent*
But that doesn’t feel quite genuine. I don’t think that’s what the Lord’s looking for. For me, a few things help.
Remember God’s Providence. When the stressful bombs attack like water balloons flailed by pre-teens, I take a moment and remember that God’s loving hand of providence has not left. He is still controlling all things for His glory and my good. He hasn’t lost control of the universe, even though my little universe feels like it.
Remember God’s Love. Yup. He’s allowing this to happen—everything from the slew of annoying interruptions to the heartbreaking defiance of a child—because He loves me. Not in spite of the fact that he loves me, but because He loves me. Just pondering that for a moment brings a smile.
Remember the Silly. This one’s not as spiritual, but effective nonetheless. When the chaos pelts me (those water balloons again), sometimes you just have to give in and laugh. Really? Am I really going to get a flat tire, now? After the morning I’ve already had? Seriously, laughing releases stress and helps me gain perspective. Then I can breathe. Then rejoice.
Remember that I’m Here. Since my cardiac arrest, just remembering I’m alive to suffer the frustrations, to discipline my child, to make a burnt dinner, flips that non-rejoicing attitude around.
Remember Christ. Most of all, remembering who Christ is, what he did for me, and how He delights in me … well, how can I not rejoice in those things?
Have a great day, and rejoice!
Rejoice in the Lord always, again I will say rejoice! Phil. 4:4 ESV