Hi friends,
As some of you know, I teach a Bible class every week at our homeschool co-op. We take a super-fast journey through the main highlights of the Bible. I love it! I’ve taught it for five years now (with one year off). So except for the gospels (the year I missed) I’ve taught through the whole Bible. What an incredible privilege!
Truth is, I’ve always loved studying God’s Word. In high school I was involved in an intense internship centered around learning to study the Bible. I went to Bible college for a year before going on a missions trip then entering full-time ministry for a year in which I taught several weekly Bible studies.
As an adult I was incredibly honored to “hang out” with some incredible theologians who taught me the doctrines of grace: Michael Horton, Kim Riddlebarger, Rod Rosenbladt. My husband and I helped in the early days of their radio show, so we got to sit around the living room and listen to them talk theology. I loved it! And I learned so much.
For the last eighteen years, God has blessed me with awesome pastor friends who have mentored me in the skill of biblical theology—looking at the big picture of the Bible and realizing it all points to Jesus!
Can you tell I delight in studying Scripture? But, sadly, for years I was embarrassed about my passion for God’s Word. I know it’s lame, but I thought my desire for the depths made me sort of nerdy and unfeminine. So, I became a closet Bible studier, sneaking tasty nuggets when no one was looking.
Well, that’s just silliness (I lately realized). So I have decided to stop hiding the wonderful truths I find in God’s Word and instead share them with anyone who wants to hear.
That’s where this new blog series comes in. As I teach my class, I’m going to share some of the incredible insights I find. The Bible is so amazing. I’m blown away by it every day, and I hope some of my enthusiasm will light a fire in you—or at least provide encouragement.
My plan is to post each week for six weeks, then go from there. That’s MY plan, but my plans don’t always work out (homeschooling, other writing, and life sometimes get in the way). So let’s just see how it goes. I promise I’ll do my best.
My first post will be next Tuesday, January 28. We’ll take a quick look at what Jesus says about studying the Old Testament. Then the following week, we’ll jump into Exodus (that’s where I am in my teaching). Sound good? I can’t wait to get started.
Join me!
Remember, he loves you like there’s not tomorrow.
Shine Your Light: How has God’s Word changed your life?