Posts by Ocieanna Fleiss
Finally…A Baby is Born!
Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! (Psalm 27:14, ESV) O come, thou Dayspring from on high And cheer us by thy drawing nigh; Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, And death’s dark shadows put to flight. Abraham. Sarah. Isaac. We encounter so much waiting in this life, don’t we? I…
Read MoreEmmanuel’s Story: A Reason to Rest
We’ve come to Abraham in our quick jaunt through the Old Testament. One of the most amazing events to happen to the father of God’s people happened while he was sleeping. Remember Genesis 15? Late at night God comes to Abram (he was still called Abram at this point) and says, “Okay, Abram, go get some animals,…
Read MoreChristmas and …Noah? Shelter from the Storm
Okay, we’ve seen that God loved us from before the beginning (how cool is that!). We’ve also discovered that right after we (represented by Adam) fell to sin, our gracious Friend promised to send a deliverer. He was already thinking about Christmas! But there’s still so long to wait. Who will the Messiah be? What…
Read MoreEmmanuel’s Story: Are You Your Own Savior?
Yesterday we talked about how before the foundation of the world, God made a promise, an Emmanuel promise, to rescue His children from the ugly sin that entrapped us. He’s loved us for so long! Today, let’s look at when we first heard about this promise. It was early in the book of Genesis. Remember…
Read MoreEmmanuel’s Story: When Did He Start Loving Me?
When did the story of Jesus really begin? When the angel came to Mary? Elizabeth? Maybe in the prophecies of Isaiah (the suffering servant) or Micah (when it was predicted that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem)? I know what you’re thinking. Surely it’s when the promise of the deliverer was first given. Genesis…
Read MoreEmmanuel’s Story:
Hi friends! BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Advent season is upon us again. Last year I posted this series for advent. Since being encouraged by our Savior’s birth never gets old, I decided to publish it again this year. Enjoy! I’m bursting with the joy of Christmas–the joy of Emmanuel, my savior who left heaven to…
Read MoreSweet Waters: A Shield About Me
Nothing in the ancient world compared to Egypt’s garden-rich glory, its sophistication, its power. But one man’s pride—and a people who followed him—caused the seemingly unconquerable land to crumble. First, the Nile turns to blood. Then nasty critters infest–everywhere! Boils inflict and cattle die. Devastating hail leaves the land looking like a war zone. And…
Read MoreThrough the Valley of Depression: Just Keep Walking
I’m sorry for my absence from Sweet Waters these last few weeks. Once again I learned that my plans don’t always work out the way I hope. Why the break? The busyness of life, yes, of course. I was also held down by a bout of low energy. These were combined with another issue, one…
Read MoreSweet Waters: The Slave’s Only Hope
Have you caught the story of Justin Bieber? Or Miley Cyrus? I think about these young stars before their scandals. Their bright fresh faces seemed so full of hope and promise. But somewhere along the way—or perhaps always, behind the scenes—sin seems to have wrapped its taloned fingers around them. At least this is how…
Read MoreSweet Waters: A River, A Plague, and a Savior
It all started with Joseph. Remember? He’s the one who brought the children of his father Israel down to Egypt. It was a good thing, of course. He saved their race and God used him to sustain the line of the seed of the woman (remember the promise in Gen. 3:15 of the coming savior?)…
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