Emmanuel’s Story:
Hi friends! BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Advent season is upon us again. Last year I posted this series for advent. Since being encouraged by our Savior’s birth never gets old, I decided to publish it again this year. Enjoy! I’m bursting with the joy of Christmas–the joy of Emmanuel, my savior who left heaven to…
Read MoreSweet Waters: A Shield About Me
Nothing in the ancient world compared to Egypt’s garden-rich glory, its sophistication, its power. But one man’s pride—and a people who followed him—caused the seemingly unconquerable land to crumble. First, the Nile turns to blood. Then nasty critters infest–everywhere! Boils inflict and cattle die. Devastating hail leaves the land looking like a war zone. And…
Read MoreThrough the Valley of Depression: Just Keep Walking
I’m sorry for my absence from Sweet Waters these last few weeks. Once again I learned that my plans don’t always work out the way I hope. Why the break? The busyness of life, yes, of course. I was also held down by a bout of low energy. These were combined with another issue, one…
Read MoreSweet Waters: The Slave’s Only Hope
Have you caught the story of Justin Bieber? Or Miley Cyrus? I think about these young stars before their scandals. Their bright fresh faces seemed so full of hope and promise. But somewhere along the way—or perhaps always, behind the scenes—sin seems to have wrapped its taloned fingers around them. At least this is how…
Read MoreSweet Waters: A River, A Plague, and a Savior
It all started with Joseph. Remember? He’s the one who brought the children of his father Israel down to Egypt. It was a good thing, of course. He saved their race and God used him to sustain the line of the seed of the woman (remember the promise in Gen. 3:15 of the coming savior?)…
Read MoreSweet Waters: Who is the OT Really About? Ask Jesus!
Welcome to my first post in my series based on my Bible class. Since it’s our first post, let’s set the groundwork for how we’re going to look at the Old Testament. Many see the OT stories as good examples for us to follow (that’s how I was raised to see them), or lessons on…
Read MoreSweet Waters: New Bible Study Series on Exodus
Hi friends, As some of you know, I teach a Bible class every week at our homeschool co-op. We take a super-fast journey through the main highlights of the Bible. I love it! I’ve taught it for five years now (with one year off). So except for the gospels (the year I missed) I’ve taught…
Read MoreWhen God Loved Me So Much He Killed Me
“Though youths grow weary and tired, And vigorous young men stumble badly, Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.” Is. 40:30-31 This promise fills me with hope. Oh, for…
Read More8 Scriptures for a Radical Family
God’s wisdom scrapes against the world’s, doesn’t it? He says things like, “Love your enemy,” and “Think of others first.” Weird! (At least to the culture at large.) But when I’m looking for help to create a godly home, I LOVE the radical words of the Lord found in Scripture. So, with my eyes set…
Read MoreRighteousness Depends on Faith
And be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith. (Phil. 3:9 ESV) How I wish I’d learned this truth earlier in life. For years I stubbornly clung to my own righteousness–it…
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