Seven Summer Reading Programs

Recently I posted on Facebook that I was looking for something for my kids to do over the summer. Immediately a frenzy of my homeschooling friends suggested summer reading programs. Well, duh, why didn’t I think of that?

Anyway, here’s a list of seven of my favorites complete with hyperlinks.

1. Scholastic

2. Barnes and Noble

3. Pizza Hut

4. Pottery Barn Kids

5. Chuck E. Cheese

6. Sylvan’s Book Adventure

7. Berean Christian Stores

BONUS: Your local library! We are fortunate to have one of the nation’s top-rated library systems. They have an awesome summer reading program including lots of in-library activities. Check out your local library for their programs.

Do you know of any others? Share!


Books by Ocieanna

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Ocieanna Fleiss