Rejoice in All Things? Really?
The Bible says to rejoice in all things. All things? Really? Even the yucky stuff that comes with being a mommy? I know the Bible says I’m supposed to, but it’s hard, don’t you think? Usually, when that tinge of conviction comes that perhaps this is an opportunity to rejoice (instead of complain, whine, or…
Mommy-O Prayer: Quiet Their Souls
Dear Lord, I lift my sweet kids up to You this day. Help them to rest in Your grace and love. Know them, Lord, and guide them. Quiet their souls as they seek You. Help me to honor You by serving them with joy and grace. Let me reflect You to them. I can’t do…
Mommy-O Prayer: You Know Me! I’m Not Alone
O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether. You hem me in, behind…
Mommy-O Prayer: Special edition from a month after my cardiac arrest
This week’s Mommy-O prayer is from about a month after my cardiac arrest. I was still resting a lot and even the littlest things would wear me out, but I wanted to be with my family so much. Dear Lord, please help us to rejoice in these down times. Give me energy to do laundry….
Mommy-O Prayer
Dear Lord, thank you for being a loving, kind, serving master. Your grace is amazing beyond words. Please help me to get through this day, filled to abundance with your peace and trusting completely in you for my strength. Dear Lord, I pray you keep each child in your loving hands today. Help them rest…
Walk in Love and a Saturday Morning Hike
“And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Eph. 5:2 ESV This past Saturday our family went on a long long walk. Well, long for us. We traipsed through a forest trail that was two miles in and two miles out. Four…
Mommy-O Prayer
Dear Father, I praise you for being the Lord of creation–above all the heavens and earth. Thank you that you are all wise and full of knowledge and power. I stand in awe of you. And even though you are Lord of all things…you know me, love me, delight in me. I love you, my…
Mommy-O Prayer
Lord, I need grace and forgiveness. I need compassion so much. Help me to look for these first from you and not others. I can rest in you, in your love and grace. Help me to give love, grace, patience, and forgiveness to my family. I can’t put aside my selfish sins without your help,…
Where’s the Sunshine? A Husband’s Brilliant Cure for Summer Gloom
Ahhhh summer. That relaxing time of warmth, lazy days, and relaxation. Reminds me of the 8-track we listened to when I was a kid (very very young, of course) of the song “Sunshine on My Shoulders” by John Denver. “Makes me happy…in my eyes can make me cry … Sunshine on the water looks so…
Mommy-O Prayer
“That you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and understanding.” Col. 1:9 ESV Thank you, Lord, that you are near, and you love and know me. Thank you that I can know you because you have given your Word. What a glorious gift. I pray I will love your…