Gabrielle’s Fabulous Review of The Girl’s Guide to Your Dream Room by Sherry Kyle
Hi friends! Guess what? I have a guest blogger today. It’s my awesome almost-twelve-year-old daughter, Gabrielle! She received a review copy of the book and has had lots of fun reading it and reviewing it for you. With its stories, crafts, quizzes, and more, The Girl’s Guide to your Dream Room will tell you how…
Read MoreFear Not
“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” (Matt. 10:29-31 ESV) How much do I love the “Fear not” theme…
Read MoreI’m Sorry: When Mama Fails
Last night I was so exhausted that I fell asleep right after dinner, at about 6:00! Ah, the peaceful escape of sleep. But then after about thirty minutes, screaming erupted. Somebody’s kids were really causing a ruckus–oh those are my kids. After about five minutes of continual noise, I wiped the sleep-drool from my chin,…
Read MoreHe Prays for Me
Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. (Romans 8:34 ESV) It just keeps getting better. Lord, thank you. For dying For being raised For sitting at the right hand of God For interceding…for me.…
Read MoreRedemption is for Believers Too
Recently I was struggling with forgiving someone. This person hurt me deeply and continued to hurt me. I forgave a while ago, but as new incidents continued…well, bitterness took root. I didn’t realize this until church on Sunday. During the prayer time, I knew I should pray for this person, but rather than “praying for…
Read MoreFinding Grace in Little Abigail’s Sin Struggle
“I try so hard, Mama,” Abigail said as she climbed on my lap, “but I still keep sinning. I’m terrible.” A pout filled her face. “Ask Jesus to help you, honey. We all sin, and we can’t stop with out Jesus’s help.” Her sassy self sat up. “I DO ASK! He doesn’t help me.” Her…
Read MoreHope for a Yucky Week
Hi friends, I’ve had a yucky week. Some financial struggles (that’s putting it mildly) got me down. Icky stuff in the body of Christ (it happens) also dampened my heart, and to be honest, I slipped back into a sticky, murky, self-defeating bog. I’ve been there before. Have you? It has a lot to…
Read MoreWin a Copy of Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska!
A huge “hop” is going on! Many in our amazing launch team are giving away the book (and other goodies–like chocolate!) on their blogs. Click on the links below to enter as many as you like! But wait there’s more! Our other book, Love Finds You in Victory Heights, Washington, is only $2.99 on Kindle…
Read MoreI Want to Be a Great Mom
Have you heard of the book, Good to Great? An author studied a bunch of companies. He decided which were merely good and which flew beyond good to great. Years ago when I first heard about the book, I decided the concept could also apply to mommyhood. I wanted to be more than a good…
Read MoreCountdown to Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska!
It releases on Tuesday! I can’t believe it’s finally here. It’s been a long journey, but a great one. Here’s a slideshow with images from our research trip to the spectacular Glacier Bay. View the slide show “First, we made our way through the bay, so close to the jagged mountains with spiking turrets and…
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