Ocieanna On TV!
Just a quick note to let you know I’ll be on TV tomorrow evening at 7:00 PM PST! https://ovaleye.tv/ I’ll be talking about my cardiac arrest and how it affected me, as well as how I balance life, writing, and family, and lots of other fun stuff. Join me!
Laughing with My Boy
Na na na na/Na na na na/Hey hey hey/Goodbye Remember that song? Apparently it’s old, released in 1969, but I recall the re-make by Bananarama in the eighties. Here’s a link to the video–if you dare. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuSm-ymG574 My twelve-year-old son and I have this game. When I pick him up from school, if it’s raining (which…
Faulty Feedings and Forgiveness
Today was a day of faulty feedings: I fed the kids scrappy granola bars in the van for breakfast (Fail! I woke up twenty minutes before we had to leave) I forgot to feed myself lunch (until it was almost time for class, making me late) And…I fed my flesh by venting frustration on…
Prayer: White as Snow
Dear Lord, Lord, I fail to love You like I should. I fail every day. If my life is proof of my salvation, then how can I be saved? My enemy, sin, constantly assails me. But You are my rock and my fortress. You will not leave me because of my sins. In fact, you…
Prayer: We’re In Your Hands
Dear Lord, “Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me.” John 15:4 This is such a good reminder, Lord. I’m nothing witout You. I have no fruit of my own. It’s all from You….
I Just Want to Serve the Lord
I love teaching God’s Word. It fills me with joy and purpose. For the last two years I taught Bible to an amazing class of junior highers. It was the highlight of my week, and changed my life in many ways. Digging into God’s Word does that. For practical reasons, I chose to teach history…
Rest Embraced
Since my cardiac arrest, I’ve been saying a certain little phrase, “Embrace rest,” and I really tried to live it out. I strove to literally move more slowly. I refused to allow life’s frantic rushing to stress me and my family. I reveled in the slow, in-between moments, soaking in the beauty around…
Mommy-O Prayer: I Don’t Know What to Pray
Dear Lord, I don’t know what to pray. My pleads to You are so imperfect. But I don’t have to search for the perfect words or topics. You know my weakness and intercede for me. I lift my sweet kids up to You this day. Help them to rest in Your grace and love. Know…
Mommy-O Prayer: Thy Word
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105 Dear Lord, Thank You for choosing to speak to us through the glorious redemption story You revealed through Scripture’s treasured pages. It feeds, guides, and gives us strength. Guide me, Lord. Help me to lead my children to feast on…