The Joy of Unstructured Play Time
Hi awesome mommies! As I sit here writing, I can hear Abigail and Christian’s laughter. I honestly don’t know what they’re doing. Something naughty? Definitely possible. Whatever it is, they’re having fun. And the best part is, it’s fun they created. Part of the awesomeness of summer is our flexible schedule. We don’t have to…
Performance-Oriented Me: An Honest Look
“Ocie,” (folks called me Ocie back then) “you’re performance oriented. A people pleaser.” I remember the scene so well. I was about 17, sitting on the gorgeous grounds of my high school on an off day during the summer. Monty, my youth leader, said those words. Yep. Pretty much describes me. Over the years I’ve…
Bible Memory! Five Games to Beat Boredom and a Secret Weapon that WORKS
Going over memory verses can get a little boring—escpecially for our wee ones with tiny attention spans. Secret Weapon that REALLY Helps One almost magical trick I’ve learned is so simple! If they understand what they are memorizing and, even better, make connections to it memorizing comes naturally. For example, today we’re memorizing, “Look at the…
I Had a Bad Day
Hi awesome mommies, Do you ever have a bad day? I started out today on an emotional landslide. I cried and smeared mascara and told my husband how terrible a wife I am. I’m a horrible organizer and housekeeper and mom and everything. Poor guy. He said he loved me then gave me an awkward,…
Moms, Did You Know…
What you do—from folding socks to changing diapers—has incredible value. You are not a mere employee, but a vital, beautiful, and highly honored mom. And mom is no throw-away title. Have a great day, Ocieanna
Letter to My Much-Loved Son
Dear Son, I love you. I wish I could get that into your head and heart. I love you so much, many of my waking moments are spent thinking about you—how to love you better, how to make you understand how much you are loved. You are awesome. You are smart and funny. You make…
Seven Summer Reading Programs
Recently I posted on Facebook that I was looking for something for my kids to do over the summer. Immediately a frenzy of my homeschooling friends suggested summer reading programs. Well, duh, why didn’t I think of that? Anyway, here’s a list of seven of my favorites complete with hyperlinks. 1. Scholastic 2. Barnes and…
You Mean It’s Worth It? Hope from a Stranger
It was the last morning of the conference. I’d never met the woman sitting next to me at the breakfast table, but by the kindness in her southern-accented voice, I knew she cared about my struggle. I don’t know why I shared, but I did. “Since he was two, we’ve battled with our son. He’s…