Finding Grace in Little Abigail’s Sin Struggle

“I try so hard, Mama,” Abigail said as she climbed on my lap, “but I still keep sinning. I’m terrible.” A pout filled her face. “Ask Jesus to help you, honey. We all sin, and we can’t stop with out Jesus’s help.” Her sassy self sat up. “I DO ASK! He doesn’t help me.” Her…


Hope for a Yucky Week

  Hi friends, I’ve had a yucky week. Some financial struggles (that’s putting it mildly) got me down. Icky stuff in the body of Christ (it happens) also dampened my heart, and to be honest, I slipped back into a sticky, murky, self-defeating bog. I’ve been there before. Have you? It has a lot to…


Win a Copy of Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska!

A huge “hop” is going on! Many in our amazing launch team are giving away the book (and other goodies–like chocolate!) on their blogs. Click on the links below to enter as many as you like! But wait there’s more! Our other book, Love Finds You in Victory Heights, Washington, is only $2.99 on Kindle…


I Want to Be a Great Mom

Have you heard of the book, Good to Great? An author studied a bunch of companies. He decided which were merely good and which flew beyond good to great. Years ago when I first heard about the book, I decided the concept could also apply to mommyhood. I wanted to be more than a good…


Countdown to Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska!

It releases on Tuesday! I can’t believe it’s finally here. It’s been a long journey, but a great one. Here’s a slideshow with images from our research trip to the spectacular Glacier Bay. View the slide show “First, we made our way through the bay, so close to the jagged mountains with spiking turrets and…


Birthday Love

  My Facebook post from yesterday (my birthday): “Wow do I feel loved! Thank you for all the birthday wishes.” If you’re on Facebook, you know what I mean. I got over a hundred birthday wishes–a hundred! Those little notes may seem unimportant, but not to me. I felt showered in love, love, love. Another…


Accepting Life’s Ups and Downs

I look at that last blog post talking about how I re-gained my energy level and think—wow, I was feeling so good back then. I also notice how I feared it would drop again. It did. In October my energy level plummeted (which is why I stopped posting on here). I learned something though, which made…


5 Ways I Boosted my Energy Level

Hi awesome mommies! Many of you know I’ve been struggling with a low energy level since my cardiac arrest. There may be several reasons for this, some physical, some emotional (to be a little raw here). Lately I’ve been doing so. much. better. Holy cow! To be honest I’m scared that it will drop again…


“My Heart is Ever at Your Service”

  My heart is ever at your service. William Shakespeare Hi awesome mommies, As a romance writer I love that quote from the bard. Can’t you just see the handsome, muscular hero pledging his deep love to the heroine? But the more I think about it, the more layers I see for me as a…


Are You a Lifeguard Mom or Grace Mom?

Hi awesome mommies! If you’ve read my blogs or Facebook posts lately, you know we go to the lake a lot in the summer (at least on sunny days–not guaranteed up here in the Northwest). The other afternoon we traipsed down to the lake and, as usual, I was impressed with the safe structure the lifeguards gave…


Books by Ocieanna